[nycphp-talk] PHPWiki

Tom tom at
Sun Sep 11 11:25:30 EDT 2005

Hi Steve,

I've tried PHPWiki in the past, and although useable, I've had great success
with MediaWiki, which runs WikiPedia and the like.  Very easy to install,
and very mature.

I understand there are a couple of forks of this, you may want to look into
those as well.



-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Steve Manes
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 8:59 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHPWiki

Pardon me if this has been discussed before.  I assume it has been but I was
probably outside having a smoke.  What's the general opinion about PHPWiki

I'm tasked with setting up a Wiki for a large open source PHP dev project
for Childrens Health Fund.  I've set up and used TikiWiki before and it
worked fine.  It's just a bit of overkill for our needs and it would sorta
politically undercut my argument for PHP as the base language for this
project if I installed a perl wiki.

I downloaded v1.3 last night and got it running okay albeit with tons of PHP
warnings, mostly about using invalid types in referenced arg variables.  I
googled relentlessly on this problem only to find myself directed to other
PHPWiki sites, most of which suffered from the same affliction.

I know how to turn off those warnings and know (pretty much) what's causing
them.  But I'd rather not mask the symptoms.  Also, PHP warnings indicate
potentially problematic code.

Is v1.3 not ready for prime time or does it require PHP5?  The installation
docs are somewhat byzantine.  Is there a better PHP alternative to PHPWiki?
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