[nycphp-talk] worm/virus's hammering feedback scripts?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Sep 12 12:20:18 EDT 2005

Hey Folks:

On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 11:16:18AM -0400, Rolan Yang wrote:

> Detection and Solution:
> The current bot-net probe is known to send its reply to one of several 
> known email addresses on the following list.

A list of addresses is the wrong approach.  The email addresses are 
variable and easy to change.  More importantly, the content is the issue, 
not the email address.

> Vulnerable scripts should be modified to properly filter input fields. 
> Ken Robinson has posted a
> php example at: 

That solution is less than perfect.  First, it's case sensitive, so misses 
things like "BcC", meaning str_ireplace() would be better.  Second, it 
catches things that don't need to be.

The mere existence of "content-type" or "bcc" in the inputs isn't a 
problem.  The danger is having those at the beginning of a line and only 
in fields that get put into the email headers.  So, this vulnerability can 
be solved by removing white space characters other than regular spaces 
from any field going into the email headers.  Or better yet, only allowing 
letters, numbers, spaces and a few punctuation type characters.

Non Issue:
$var = "Content-type: crack";
$subject = "Subject: $var";

Real Issue:
$var = "You're about to be cracked\r\nContent-type: crack";
$subject = "Subject: $var";


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