[nycphp-talk] shtml

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Sep 13 18:42:15 EDT 2005

On 9/13/05, m o <orgcomp at> wrote:
> I working on a migration of a data base from linux to
> windows. to track clients needs for the Salvation
> Army.
> I'm have one big problem with the shtml playing right.
> I have PHP 4.3.2 running on windows with apache 2.0.54
> and postgresql 8.0.
> Why I write you is maybe you would know how to make
> shtml
> a stream on PHP. Ive had a hard time trying to get
> shtml to play nice.
> What INI need to be changed to make it work.. I can
> send copy of the ini if
> needed.

Make shtml a stream in PHP... can you give us a better description of
what you're trying to do?

If you're talking about server-side includes, then the answer is that
(generally speaking), you can use Apache includes, or PHP, but not
both together in the same request. Or at least, you couldn't back in
the day...

There may be some way to use filters in Apache2 that would allow the
server to execute a document as PHP code first, and then act on
server-side include directives in the resulting output... does that
sound like what you want? It might make a big difference whether the
PHP is in the requested document, or in the include, or both.

Chris Snyder

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