[nycphp-talk] Code cleanliness vs. code popularity

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Sep 17 21:07:53 EDT 2005

Jayesh Sheth |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>Hello all,
>thanks for your great, well-thought-out responses!


I think forums/bb's are a special case. They are a classic "script" 
situation, with a long history of being "scripted" as opposed to 
"developed". I recall an early version of a popular BB system (not sure 
how it is today) that was "object oriented PHP". Basically *everything* 
was in the constructor, so you instantiated an object and it ran all the 
routines contained within the constructor. Add a member? Create an "add 
a member" object and the constructor would run the functions for adding  
a member.  Make a new post? Instantiate a new_post object, and likewaise 
al lof the necessary routines would be run (in the constructor). It was 
a clean code set and easy to follow, but hardly an OO application.

-=john andrews when dreamhost isn't down

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