[nycphp-talk] Code cleanliness vs. code popularity

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Mon Sep 19 16:50:00 EDT 2005

Greg Rundlett wrote:
 > Huh? One of the primary objectives of the GPL is to allow for
 > distribution of human-readable source code, not binary. I have
 > no misunderstanding in that regard.

The GPL attempts to guarantee code's freedom (as opposed to BSD licenses 
which place more emphasis on users' freedom). There is nothing that 
requires software licensed under the GPL to only be distributed as 
source code. Compiled binaries have always been fine as long as the 
source is made available somehow (and that's only a requirement if you 
distribute it - you can keep your modifications private if you don't). 
In fact, most people use binaries to install Linux.

 > b/c I do not know how to read binary code, I do not wish to put
 > a personal recommendation on something which is binary.

That's understandable, but I don't see why you felt the need to 
specifically recommend against using it.

In this case, it's like recommending that people not use Apache because 
apache_1.3.33.tar.gz is binary.

 > Just last week I was telling people that they should come hear
 > your presentation at the next BostonPHP meeting. I hope your
 > presentation accurate and non-inflamatory too.

Well, it's live (not email), so I think it's harder to misinterpret my 
intentions. However, if you feel that correcting your misunderstanding 
about the GPL is inflammatory, then you might find something offensive 
in the talk.


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

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