[nycphp-talk] Geoselect alternatives?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Sep 24 17:15:13 EDT 2005

Andrew Yochum |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 02:11:00PM -0700, inforequest wrote:
>>What open source options are there to do what GeoSelect does? (resolve 
>>IP to City, State, Country, Lat, Long) server side in meory, with 
>>caching, perhaps placing the values in server vars like GeoSelect does? 
>>Maybe there is not yet a comprehensive (quality) IP to Geo database 
>>being maintained open source?
>There wasn't that I was aware of until poking around a bit tonight...
>I've used the perl Geo::IPfree module in the past, but can't speak to
>the data's thoroughness or quality.  I was interested in rough aggregate
>quick and dirty stats at the time (a while back now), and I got this one
>working very quickly.  It only does IP->Country stuff, so not really
>what you want.
>There are also seem various methods of accessing the freely available
>MaxMind from within PHP now.
>Also, only IP->Country - at least, in open source, that is.  Including
>their PEAR package for PHP 5 that seems to allow you to use their
>commercial DB for more granular data:
>And in looking at that stuff just now I noticed right next door to it in
>PEAR is the Net_Geo PEAR package which seems to maybe do just what you
>want using CAIDA database:
>I just played around with it a bit and found it very easy to use, and
>reasonably accurate in locating a few IPs I threw at it.  It tells you
>the granularity of the result, too.  It makes a remote HTTP request to a
>CGI on the CAIDA site and caches the results.  Uncached queries
>certainly lag a bit.  It could do the trick depending on your needs.
thanks Andrew.

I know maxmind from MaxMedia, but not using city yet (and not stable 
yet).I'll look a the PHP interfaces now.

CAIDA site says "*NOTE: NetGeo has not been actively maintained for 
/several years/, and this will probably not change in the foreseeable 
future. As a result, there are several known major issues affecting 
accuracy and service availability. Please be warned that NetGeo may give 
/wildly incorrect/ results, especially for recently allocated or 
re-assigned IP addresses."

It fails to an ARIN Whois lookup also...

-=john andrews


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