[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE (Mac)

Jack Scott lists at
Tue Apr 11 16:19:26 EDT 2006

I used BBEdit on Mac and it was OK.  Why don't you use pico, nano, vi,
emacs, etc and edit remotely?

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 15:43 -0400, csnyder wrote:

> A better approach for remote servers is to use WebDAV or some network
> filesystem so that you can work on the remote files as if they were
> local. I've been experimenting with Samba over SSH, which could be
> great except that there are no off-the-shelf apps that do it (to my
> knowledge).

you will need sshfs installed on you system, but this is a safe and easy
way to mount remote file systems over ssh. If you want to automate the mount
using fstab, you will need to set up key authentication so a password is
not needed.  

Once that is set up you can run:
mount -t sshfs user at host /mnt/myfiles

FYI -- If you plan on mounting a Server 2003 share using samba, you will
need CIFS support either built in to your kernel or as a module.

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