[nycphp-talk] PHP Error - Need Help Debugging

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu Apr 13 22:24:18 EDT 2006

Heh, I am surprised it took that many responses to arrive at the correct 

Adding to Chris' comment about sql security, If your query used to 
validate the id and postid are formatted in the same manner (including 
{$_GET['id']} in the query), someone could inject a query into yours... 
Something disasterous might be if the hacker manually posted with an $id 
value "1; DELETE * FROM USERS; select * from posts,users where 1=1"

To be safe, I try to keep all my id's as integers and do something like:


drydell at wrote:
> the syntax error has to do with $_GET[id] and $_GET[postid]... 
>  WHERE posts.postid = \"{$_GET['id']}\" AND  posts.userid = users.userid AND posts.replyto = {$_GET['postid']}  would fix the syntax error
>> I'm getting the following error:
>> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING
>> The line of code is:
>> $checkreplies = "SELECT posts.postid, posts.subject, posts.body,
>> posts.created, users.userid, users.username, users.aim, users.created,
>> users.admin FROM posts, users WHERE posts.postid = \"$_GET[id]\" AND
>> posts.userid = users.userid AND posts.replyto = $_GET[postid] LIMIT
>> ".($pagecount-1)*10-1.", 10";

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