[nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Wed Apr 26 20:48:26 EDT 2006

Thanks, so far. Okay, here is my improved list:
1) OOP for scaling up with diversified enterprise applications and
maintaining centralized control of core business logic. 
2) XML/RSS/Web Services integration more accurate, simpler and faster. Jump
starts integration potential with other sites and third-party services. 
3) File Upload is more secure and standardized. Firmer control at this vital
user interface. 
4) Date/Time handling is broadened in scope and features more date
formatting options to satisfy local and international needs. 
5) MySQL database interface is more coherent and more versatile: handles
connections and queries more efficiently. 
6) Read and display full directories with more ease, accuracy and speed.
This vital user experience is enhanced.
I need a few more features as they would be sold to an enterprise web site
management team, not as to be sold to programmers.
Any more PHP beats the street-wise ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Tang [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Nicholas Tang
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:15 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade

Well, from my experience, performance is terrible.  So I wouldn't list that
as a selling point.


From: talk-bounces at on behalf of Peter Sawczynec
Sent: Wed 4/26/2006 7:37 PM
To: talk at
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Still Selling the PHP5 Upgrade

I need a quick intense refresher on 6-10 of the most tangible, most salient,
conversational selling points for doing the PHP 4.3.x upgrade to PHP 5.1.2.


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