[nycphp-talk] CakePHP: what do you think?

Kenneth Downs ken at
Wed Aug 2 07:14:35 EDT 2006

Cliff Hirsch wrote:

>I'm not claiming to be a communist that thrives on lack of choice, but I
>actually find this abundance of frameworks to be one of the "problems"
>with PHP. Decision making is not my strong suite, so I find it
>challenging "to just pick one" fearing the repetitive learning curve as
>I stumble along in search of the perfect framework.
>So I have probably done what so many others have done -- cobble together
>pieces of PEAR, Smarty, etc. It's that awful devil I know syndrome.
This resembles the situation of another dev system that was popular 
about 10 years ago, when LAN and C/S were still king.  There were many 
frameworks.  Eventually it settled down to about 4, each of which 
exemplified a certain approach.

People tended to pick the framework based on which framework fit their 
approach to things. 

>php frameworks, too many to count!  :-)
>- ed  :-)
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