[nycphp-talk] [OT] - NYC Salaries

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Thu Aug 3 14:14:03 EDT 2006

Honestly i dont mind it here in VT, i hate working running my own company as
i never know when work will come in, however i am making a pretty decent
salary for a CA startup that is paying me to work from home.  They are
launching monday however i would like to go where there is more to do, where
my kids can experience several different cultures, etc.  But i think you
guys are right, in order to even think about the move i would have to make
atleast 80k/yr.

Thanks for all the thoughtfull input and if the employer is interested maybe
i can setup the interview to fall on the day (or day before) an NYPHP
meeting and catch up with you guys.  That's another perk about moving to the
city i would get to attend the meetings :D

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Zend Certified Engineer
Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
codebowl at
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