[nycphp-talk] [OT] - NYC Salaries

Rick Olson rolson at
Thu Aug 3 14:22:31 EDT 2006

I'm in the Los Angeles area, so this isn't a completely accurate number, 
but based on your experience level and knowledge, $50-68k would be the 
salary you should probably expect.  I'd imagine though, that in NY your 
expectations could be somewhat higher?  I would hesitate supporting a 
family on that kind of income though...  What about looking for other 
companies in that area?  Just throw your resume out to a few companies 
around there and you could probably find something decent.

On a side note though, spend a couple hours on MySQL indexing / 
optimization :p  It will serve you well.


Joseph Crawford wrote:
> I'll also note that i have 6 years exp with php and mysql.  I will 
> admit i am not the greatest with mysql i never got into indexing or 
> optimizing the database, i can however complete complex queries with 
> joins etc. i have yet to look into sub-queries (too much) or stored 
> procedures.  And my knowledge of css / js are not there at all :)
> Would this salary be what i should expect?
> -- 
> Joseph Crawford Jr.
> Zend Certified Engineer
> Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
> 1-802-671-2021
> codebowl at <mailto:codebowl at>
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