[nycphp-talk] [OT] - NYC Salaries

Nicholas Tang ntang at
Thu Aug 3 15:17:06 EDT 2006

I'll second all of that.  I spent half my childhood in the city and half
in the suburbs and grew to hate the suburbs.  I still do.  I moved
myself - and my kids - into the city as soon as I could, and I haven't
regretted it for a second.  We're 2 blocks from a park, walking distance
from a museum, a zoo, a lake... (we're in Brooklyn) plus a simple subway
ride away from everything else the city has to offer.  I love it here,
and they love being here.  Having said that, the suburbs do tend to be
When I first started out I had a family of 3 and managed to support us
on $40k - we lived in NJ, rent was cheap, and the commute was long.  It
was doable, if painfully threadbare at times.  $65k is tight, but you
can do it.  I'd recommend more for a family of 5 - a few people have
said $80k and I'd concur - but it's definitely doable.  It may not be
entirely comfortable.


	From: talk-bounces at
[mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Edward Kozek
	Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 1:36 PM
	To: NYPHP Talk
	Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] [OT] - NYC Salaries
	It'd be tough on $65K, anywhere within commuting distanct of
NYC, unless you found a sweet deal on rent. In many neighborhoods you
can just park on the street for free, so that isn't necessarily a
required expense.
	As far as raising a family in NYC. I wouldn't want to raise a
family anywhere else. I hated growing up in the burbs; I had very little
exposure to different cultures/people/work/food/you name it. Here you
get it all, and overall NYC is one of the safest cities in the world.
	On 8/3/06 1:20 PM, "LeeEyerman at" <LeeEyerman at>

		I LOVE NYC, and have partied there my whole youth.  It
is the best place in the world to be single and completely alive.  I
miss a lot about it, the food, the bars, the clubs, the parks, etc.  But
I would never raise a family there, ever.

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