[nycphp-talk] index.php ignored on new Mac Mini server setup

Jonathan Hendler hendler at
Fri Feb 17 16:04:08 EST 2006

First guess - permissions.
Next, either there is .htaccess , mod_rewrite, doing something.
Lastly it could be the order of the indexes available in the httpd.conf 
- so if you have a index.html it will chose that first unless you access 
index.php directly.

Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> http://localhost/blahblah/test.php works just fine and just only phpinfo()
> So here's the wierd part:
> http://localhost/blahblah/index.php simply comes up empty even thought 
> it is identical to test.php -- just phpinfo(). No error message, no 
> nothing. Just blank.
> test, test2, idx, index2, etc. .php work just fine and output 
> phpinfo() as expected. It is only index.php that does nothing.
> Ideas?
> Cliff
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