[nycphp-talk] Session problem with MAC/Unic/Apache

Kenneth Dombrowski kenneth at
Sat Feb 18 16:17:04 EST 2006

On 06-02-18 14:28 -0500, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> My error log has the appropriate permissions. I assume nobody is the  
> PHP process.
> But what's with the session files? -rw------ isn't very useful is it?
> I assume www is the Apache process. How do I make it create readable  
> session files?
> cliff-hirschs-mac-mini:/var/tmp root# ls -al
> -rw-r--r--    1 nobody    wheel  2877 Feb 18 12:14 kerbeez_errors.log
> drwxrwxrwt    4 root      wheel   136 Feb 16 08:34 mds
> -rw-------    1 www       wheel    30 Feb 18 10:57 sess_4BAFfxHA........
> -rw-------    1 www       wheel    30 Feb 17 16:07  
> sess_7A93rjA..........

0600 (-rw-------) is perfectly appropriate for session files; apache can
read them & write to them, and nobody else can.  

I would look into why your error log is owned by nobody & your session
files are owned by www, do you have two apaches running on that machine?  


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