[nycphp-talk] Fault tolerant server architecture

Corey Szopinski corey at
Thu Jan 19 12:16:54 EST 2006

Well, I assume everything is completely isolated, running in a  
virtualized program space. Here's what the User-mode Linux project  
page says:

> User-Mode Linux is a safe, secure way of running Linux versions and  
> Linux processes. Run buggy software, experiment with new Linux  
> kernels or distributions, and poke around in the internals of  
> Linux, all without risking your main Linux setup.
> User-Mode Linux gives you a virtual machine that may have more  
> hardware and software virtual resources than your actual, physical  
> computer. Disk storage for the virtual machine is entirely  
> contained inside a single file on your physical machine. You can  
> assign your virtual machine only the hardware access you want it to  
> have. With properly limited access, nothing you do on the virtual  
> machine can change or damage your real computer, or its software.


On Jan 19, 2006, at 12:09 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> Interesting. I wonder how secure VPS is. Does it truly eliminate the
> problems related to share hosting, like session access, etc.? And
> interesting that they use RAID 1, not RAID 5.

Corey Szopinski
Director of Technology

corey at
55 Washington St. Suite 822
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718-797-4470  x116

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