[nycphp-talk] Fault tolerant server architecture

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Jan 20 17:43:59 EST 2006

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>Depends, you can get a 10MB burstable circuit and a 1/2 rack for
>around $1,000 monthly. And hardware is cheap, so you could start on
>one box, and when business picks up add more - as the bank account
>expands, so does the rack ;-)

You can get "third of a rack" deals too - we have a bunch of servers 
over at Verio for less than $1000 monthly.

But to start, the best thing to do is get a dedicated box for $99 from a 
colo provider - you can always get a another box (or more) reasonably 
cheaply but after a certain point it will become cheaper to buy your own 
hardware and fractional rack...

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