[nycphp-talk] Help with Buttons and how I can only make pressable once a day

tedd tedd at
Mon Jul 3 15:00:23 EDT 2006

At 11:29 AM -0700 7/3/06, inforequest wrote:
>tedd |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:
>>At 3:47 AM -0700 7/3/06, Karl Brian Dano wrote:
>>>Hi everyone,
>>>Again, I need some help with PHP/MySQL. How do I assign a MySQL query to a button and how can make the button only pressable (or be available for "pressing") once a day?
>>>Help will be greatly appreciated.
>>A bit more information is needed.
>>However, if something like, this --
> >
>>-- will solve your problem, I'll tell you how I did it.
>Of course if you try to prevent scammers from voting more than once a
>day, the simple cookie approach Tedd used for naming babies is not
>enough. Check out "sevin", my personal favorite (and now #3 on the list) :-)
>-=john andrews

Hey, what are you doing voting more than once? You trying to screw up the results? :-)

If I was serious about securing a one vote per day thing, I would work out something a bit different. However, as I said "If something like this would solve your problem..."

If he wants something more secure, money is always a good incentive. Ya gets what's pay fer.


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