[nycphp-talk] foreach ERROR

CED Consult at
Mon Jul 17 16:17:42 EDT 2006

You'll see the basic structure there
/Music is the MP3 files
/mp3 is the PHP file

The error is a basic WARNING Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 5. Same thing reported for Line 18.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: lists at 
  To: NYPHP Talk 
  Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 4:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] foreach ERROR

  On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 15:43 -0400, CED wrote: 
    I have used variables many times in foreach statements... and having spent several hours tryignt o debug this I thought I'd throw it out here: 
      1.. <? 
      2.. function readD($dir){ 
      3.. if(!$dir){$dir = '.';} 
      4.. foreach(glob("$dir/*.mp3") as $item){$sort[]= end(explode('/',$item));} 
      5..  foreach($sort as $sorteditem){ 
      6..   if($sort){natsort($sort);} 
      7..     foreach($sort as $item){$return[]= $item;} 
      8..      if(!$return){return array();} 
      9..      } 
      10..   return $return; 
      11..   } ?> 
      12.. <?php header("Content-type: text/xyxml") ?> 
      13.. <? echo(' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ') ; ?> 
      14.. <? echo '<player showDisplay="yes" showPlaylist="no" autoStart="yes"> 
      15.. ' ; 
      17.. $sFolder = '../Audio/Music' ; 
      18.. foreach(readD($sFolder) as $item) 
      19.. { 
    PHP keeps erroring on Lines 5 and 18. Any thoughts? Is this a bug? Am I a moron?

  what are the errors? Is line five looping on an empty array 


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