[nycphp-talk] include_path usage with PayPalPro SDK???

Bob Mariotti r.mariotti at
Sat Jul 29 17:04:46 EDT 2006

Fellow PHP'ers;

I've been developing with PHP for several years now with reasonable 
success.  Recently I'm trying to integrate PayPal's supplied SDK into an 
eCommerce app and I am having trouble with finding their own included 

I've tried studying the logic and use of the php.ini directive 
"include_path" and the only definition that seems to work is if I define 
the FULL path of every directory individually which makes for a very 
long, long path string.

For reference I have my includes directory outside of the document 
root(s) in something similar to /srv/www/sites/inc and for everything 
else this seems to work just fine.   Now PayPal's supplied tree is a 
continuation in this same directory and it itself includes nested 
directories so their top level would be at /srv/www/sites/inc/PayPal and 
then on down.

Again, if I define each and every lower directory individually in the 
path, things appear to work.  Otherwise, it finds nothing of PayPal.  
Oh, and further information, PayPal uses multiple nested includes within 
its supplied modules (whew!).

For some strange reason I thought that the include_path would be 
recursive but I guess not.

Someone in this group must have worked with the PayPal module(s) before 
and must have come up against the same situation.

Therefore, could someone in the know PLEASE explain how they overcame 
this situation or can someone at least advise how to best handle the 
definitions to accommodate this?

Thanks all.


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