[nycphp-talk] CakePHP bakeoff (Was: CakePHP: what do you think ?)

Mark Withington mwithington at
Mon Jul 31 13:56:04 EDT 2006

Sounds like a plan Kenneth, contact me off-line and I can hook you up with
the fellow who's going to moderate the panel.
mark.withington at <mailto:mark.withington at> 

Mark L. Withington
v: 508-746-2383
m: 508-801-0181
Skype: 508-570-2285
AIM/MSN/Skype: PLMresearch
Yahoo:  PLMresearch2000 

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Kenneth Downs
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 12:32 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] CakePHP bakeoff (Was: CakePHP: what do you think?)

Mark Withington wrote: 

If anyone if planning to be in Boston the evening of Thursday, October 5th

06 (yah, I know it's a long shot) we're going to do a PHP framework bake off

with Cake (and one of the core devs), Zend, Horde, etc.


This might be fun.  I've got relatives in New Bedford and that's my
birthday, so perhaps the wife and I can make a weekend of it.

But I have an ulterior motive.  I would like to sit in back and use my own
framework to develop the same app that the "bake off" is cooking, then
compare.  Hopefully I could pick up a few things from Cake and perhaps
they'd pick up a few from me, no?

More info here:,com_gigcal/task,details/gigcal_gig


Everyone is welcome.




Mark L. Withington

Benevolent Dictator and acting President

"supporting the PHP/OSS community"

PO Box 1354

Plymouth, MA  02362

o: 800-310-3992 ext. 704

f: 508-746-4973

v: 508-746-2383/508-570-2285

m: 508-801-0181 <>  

AIM: BostonPHP


-----Original Message-----

From: Baer, Jon [mailto:talk-bounces at
<mailto:talk-bounces at> ] On 

Behalf Of Baer, Jon

Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 4:15 PM

To: NYPHP Talk

Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] CakePHP: what do you think?

Using it alot .. im using it after spending a good 6 months 

w/ Ruby on Rails though so my opinion might be one sided, 

overall it gives a good feeling of knowing that when 

something break you know *exactly* where to look .. which 

probably leads to this "agile" thing :-)

The best thing to probably look @ if you decide to pick it up 

is the Cajax helper by rossoft (he writes alot of nice Cake 

plugins - <> )
which is like RJS in 

Rails and lets you do that nice Ajaxy stuff w/ 

Prototype/Scriptaculous libraries.  

What probably amazes me the most about it is how they 

seemlessly made it work w/ PHP4 and still use much of the OO hooks. 

I like both RoR and Cake but when it comes to deployment PHP 

wins out in the support area, I still dont think they have 

figured out the best solution in Rails and the fact that the 

Bake command does alot more work make it nicer to work with.

Id be more interested in hearing what Mitch or the Joomla 

folks think about them (I missed the meeting) but definatley 

would have been a question I would have asked ... picking 

frameworks vs. rolling your own ...

- Jon

-----Original Message-----

From: talk-bounces at <mailto:talk-bounces at>  on
behalf of David Mintz

Sent: Fri 7/28/2006 3:28 PM

To: talk at <mailto:talk at> 

Subject: [nycphp-talk] CakePHP: what do you think?


I know it's come up briefly on the list in the past, but imho 

it's time once again to ask if people are using cakePHP 

( <> ) and if so, what do you think?

I think 

it's extremely promising, but I also think it has a bit of a 

initial learning curve, at least for mere mortals, that seems 

to belie the name.

Somebody oughta give an NYPHP presentation about it (said he, 

as he ducked under the desk).


David Mintz <> 

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their

persons, houses, papers, and effects, against

unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be

violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon

probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation,

and particularly describing the place to be

searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 


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