[nycphp-talk] Session cookie expiration issue

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Mar 8 16:56:44 EST 2006

Dan Cech wrote:
> Stephen Musgrave wrote:
>> session_start() is definitely being called in every invocation of  
>> ever page on the site.  (It's in a global include file.)  I am not  
>> jumping in and out of HTTPS, so I will turn them off.
>> Any other ideas?
> Are you changing the session data?  After a quick look through the
> source, it appears that if the data does not change, adodb will not
> update it, and will also not update the session expiry field.

Hmm, I may have jumped the gun there. It looks like it should still be
updating the expiry date.

If I were you I would take a look through the sql logs and see exactly
what it is executing.


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