[nycphp-talk] email debugging issue

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Thu Mar 9 08:24:38 EST 2006

Hi there:

I'm a little stumped about quite how to proceed with sorting out a problem.

I just set up a web server at servermatrix for a client, and a rather 
complicated site.  We're on a redhat linux box with cpanel.

One of the features of the site is a postcard->email thing, and they 
were complaining about not being able to receive email via this 
feature.  However, every time I tested it, I was receiving it.

So, I put a small script on the server that just sends dummy text via 
mail().  Again, I received the emails.

I had them give me an email address on their company domain, and - 
voila - i didn't receive any emails I attempt to send to that account 
from the server.  It appears not to have anything to do with 
client-side spam filters, though of course I can't know what spam 
filters are installed at the various domains.

Apparently, and are other known problem domains.

The question is:  what circumstances could make this new server only 
be able to email certain domains, and how can I go about finding it 
out?  How can I find out what problems the server may be having?

This is all new for me; never seen anything quite like this before. 
If anyone has any "If I were you, I would ______" advice, it'd be 
greatly appreciated.


Marc Antony Vose

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in 
higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
-- Nietzsche

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