[nycphp-talk] Events Management - is there a solid F/OS code base ?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Mar 29 17:47:04 EST 2006

csnyder |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> John, your taxonomy idea is interesting (fetch events tagged
>"Wednesdays") and essentially the same as the "key/value" approach
>Brian described. If you're using a system that has robust tagging
>(like Ning) it might save some time.

I'll grant that a robust technology for tagging might provide a 
convenient / efficient tool for managing event data, but I am not 
looking for that practical route (and don't want to do that research ;-)

I want to create a robust/effective tool for managing event data.... 
maybe tagging can be added later :-)

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