[nycphp-talk] Yes, the Forum/BB round up . . .

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon May 8 18:26:30 EDT 2006

Ajai Khattri |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>edward potter wrote:
>>I'm looking for a plug and play php/mysql forum application for a web
>>site I'm finishing up.
>>I've looked at zillions over the years, and was never really 100%
>>happy. I was wondering are there any new Web 2.0ish wannabes  on the
>>block?  Soft and fluffy?  Very lightweight? OR  AKA "is there a
>>perfect, web based  forum  application out here?"
>This is one is the sweetest Ive seen (and I mean, suuuweeeeet ;-):

I recall looking at Vanilla a little while ago. I just looked again.

There's nothing like the php talklist to keep you mindful of your PHP 
fundamentals (such as the use of single and double quotes..ahem)  and 
there's nothing like XAMPP to *force* you to get it right lol. But now 
that I fixed vanilla's installer it looks pretty good. Still a ways from 
what i consider stable, and I see plenty of comments about IE rendering 

Last time I settled on because it was sooooo easy to get 
integrated and done with. Not at all web2.0-ey, but I didn't want to 
spend the time.

-=john andrews

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