[nycphp-talk] MySQL 4 vs. 5 and character encoding (?)

Mikko Rantalainen mikko.rantalainen at
Wed May 10 03:47:50 EDT 2006

Rahmin Pavlovic wrote:
> Having a hard time figuring this one out..
> We moved a large data store from MySQL 5.0.2-alpha to MySQL 4.1.12
> All the high-bit chars -- which were stored fine in MySQL 5 -- are being
> mangled in MySQL 4.  So, for example, if an editor pastes text from MS Word

Which character set did you use in MySQL5? Did you use 
--default-character-set=latin1 or something else with mysqldump/MySQL5?

mysqldump of MySQL5 may give "interesting" output if you have 
incorrectly set character set. I had once many 8 bit bytes replaced 
with literal "?" which caused many problems later on. The behavior 
of mysqldump did change between MySQL4 and MySQL5.

If you have been using windows-1252 character set or something that 
uses pretty much all 8 bit bytes, expect problems with mysqldump if 
you don't have correct character set.


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