[nycphp-talk] Which "ajax/xhr framework" are you using in PHP5?

Carlos A Hoyos cahoyos at
Mon May 15 20:59:34 EDT 2006

> Ive become a Japhuby programmer the past few months and switching
> back and forth, the last PHP bit I used Sajax for simple remote calls
> but then got seriously hooked on Rails/Prototype/RJS and have to jump
> back so I may use something w/ CakePHP but I thought Id ask a
> general .. "what ajax lib" you are using (no explanation needed) as
> the whole XHR thing is pretty trivial ...

I am personally married to dojo, but if you're looking at cake,
scriptaculous (prototype) is great and it has cake support.

It also depends on what you need, if it's just plain XHR requests, xajax is
available as well. From what I see, Dojo and prototype have a lot of
momentum, so I personally would stick with one of the big ones as there
will be more development in the future.

Carlos Hoyos

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