[nycphp-talk] PHP Development on the Road (Advice Needed)

Jeff Knight jeff.knight at
Sun Nov 12 10:06:37 EST 2006

On 11/11/06, Peter Sawczynec <ps at> wrote:
> Thank you, but picking out specifically the item:
> - Starbucks monthly wifi pass.

Will these strategies work on a commercially moderated
> wifi subscription internet?

You don't really need to take anybody's word for it Peter. You can get a 24
hour pass for $9.99 (or pay $6 for an hour) and check it out for yourself
before deciding on one of the subscription models:

It has been my experience on the road that all of the hotel and free
internet services haven't blocked the ssh/sftp ports, and on a wireless
connection you should probably avoid the telnet/ftp services anyway.

And, welcome to the gulf Mr. Sawczynec. Snow is for suckers.
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