[nycphp-talk] PHP Development on the Road (Advice Needed)

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Sun Nov 12 15:19:59 EST 2006

So that means you'll work for less than $15 an hour? You're hired, as
long as you aren't spending too much time in that head shop.

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of edward potter
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 1:52 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP Development on the Road (Advice Needed)

Well actually I moved out of Manhattan to upstate NY where for $15 an
hour you can live like a king.

My rent is 10% of a similar place in Manhattan (a renovated studio,
all utilities, with a view of the river).  My wifi rocks, food is a
minimum of 50% less then NYC, and since there are 5 colleges here
(Potsdam),  culture galore. I live above an internet cafe, next to a
head shop, which is next to 2 music stores, next to the bagel shop and
Cafe. Summer rents drop to about a 1/3, so for all practical purposes,
it's cheaper to live here then Bangalore.  And for nature?  It's very
hard to top the Adirondacks. (ummm, movies prices?  how about $3.50?)

I'm reading in the local paper we now have French, Indian, and
Jamaican restaurant coming to down.  Sushi on the horizon.

I told a local that I was paying $295 a month for my studio, and he
was "are you CRAZY!", I was like, I know it's a great deal.  He was
"WHAT?", that's crazy, $200 is the max here.  and so it goes!



>>> Frankly I'd be happy if could work from the road like that all the
time. Too
bad nobody pays enough for web development to make that happen, not when
they can hire the local college kids at $10 - $15 bucks an hour instead.
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