[nycphp-talk] Help with error statement

Paul paul at
Thu Nov 16 11:14:21 EST 2006

I have the start of a zipcode radius locator.  It seems to work but  
the problem I am having is creating an error statement if no  
locations are found.  At first it made sense to check for retuned  
zipcode values.  The problem being one zipcode will always be  
returned the one that is used for the search.  So my thinking would  
be to uses the retuned query that actually looks for the locations :  
$sql_events = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM area36 WHERE zipcode  
='$key'") or die (mysql_error());  .  However anything I try seems to  
loop and create ugly things.

I am a rank beginner far better photographer than coder so talk  
simple.  My brain is also a little tired after seeing Ziggy Marley  
last night as you might expect, so I apologize up front for my  
sluggish brain.

Paul Guba

mysql_connect("localhost", "something", "something") or die 
mysql_select_db("ziplocator") or die(mysql_error());
echo "<table>";
echo "<center><tr> <th>Dist</th><th>Day</th> <th>Town</th><th>Time</ 
th><th>NS</th> </tr>";

// colors of returned rows uses style sheet

$color1 = "meet";
$color2 = "altmeet";
$row_count = 0;
// find all zipcodes values within zip , mile radius use  
zipcode.class.php written by: Micah Carrick
$z = new zipcode_class;
$zips = $z->get_zips_in_range('07732', '10',  
foreach ($zips as $key => $value)
// for error not working presently
if(isset($key) && count($key) > 0)
//find all locations within range using returned zipcode values
$sql_events = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM area36 WHERE zipcode  
='$key'") or die (mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_events)) {
	$dist = $row['dist'];
     $day = $row['day'];
     $town = $row['town'];
	$time = $row['time'];
	$place = $row['place'];
	$street = $row['street'];
	$type = $row['type'];
	$Special = $row['Special'];
	$hca = $row['hca'];
	$ns = $row['ns'];

     //row count for alternating colors

     $row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;

     //create tables for data row loop

     echo "<tr>
	<td class='$row_color'>$dist</td>
     <td class='$row_color'>$day</td>
     <td class='$row_color'>$town</a></td>
	<td class='$row_color'>$time</a></td>
	<td class='$row_color'>$place</a></td>
	<td class='$row_color'>$street</a></td>
	<td class='$row_color'>$type</a></td>
	<td class='$row_color'>$Special</a></td>
	<td class='$row_color'>$hca</a></td>
	<td class='$row_color'>$ns</a></td>

     // Add 1 to the row count

// error statement if no locations are found within search radius
else {
echo 'Sorry, your search returned no locations.  Try using a larger  
radius to search.';
// end table

echo "</table>";

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