[nycphp-talk] OT?: HTML question -- CSS stuff too

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Oct 13 21:58:38 EDT 2006

Peter Sawczynec |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>I believe that this article gives you the divs layout setup and the CSS
>styles in a basic form exactly as you might need:
Before you work with that article, be sure and consider the errata 
posted here

It will save you some headaches, and maybe influence your commitment.

Barring any big search /SEO news, there's a post appearing on my blog at on the 15th that points at a few CSS resources that are IE7 
compliant and fundamental (box models and such),  plus good from a 
search engine optimization perspective. No big deal but  might also save 
some hassles as CSS is a huge  area on the web, and IMHO that ALA 
article is not your answer.

-=john andrews

Some say "Science is fact. Religion is faith. Magic is perception". I wonder, if what you witness is not reality, but your perception of reality, do you trust your perceptions as truth? Does that make the so-called scientist a religious magician?  --John Andrews Competitive Webmaster and SEO Blogging at

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