[nycphp-talk] FILE()

Néstor rotsen at
Wed Oct 25 10:53:39 EDT 2006

Daniel thanks for your help.

I can tell you that this is not user input but I was printing
variable to try to debug the problem.

I do not know what typos you are referring to since those lines
of code worked, can you tell me what typos you are talking about.

Putting the quotes around the $form is not necessary but is not ilegal.

The problem I found in calling the "FIle($file)".  $file will include a file
check for session information and it will send the page to a login page.
I found the problem as soon as I went home when I was thinking about it
while eating dinner (ha, ha,..)

Thanks for your help,

Néstor :-)

On 10/24/06, Daniel Convissor <danielc at> wrote:
> Hi Nestor:
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 04:58:59PM -0700, N?stor wrote:
> >  $from = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
> >  print "refer=|" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "|<br>\n";
> >  print "from=|" . $from . "|<br>\n";
> > ---
> >  refer=||
> >  form=||
> >
> > The problem is that if I use the code below to read the file then
> > $lines is empty.
> >  $lines = file("$from");
> First, let me say this is a VERY VERY VERY bad idea for security
> reasons.  Never use user input for stuff like that.
> Second, from the typos you have above, it is clear your example shown
> here is produced by typing rather than not copying and pasting.  So we
> can't diagnose what's really happening.
> Third, putting the quotes around $from in that last line is not
> necessary.
> Fourth, it seems like it's actually working because the call to file()
> is not throwing an error, right?  [Or are you going to pull one of
> those "Oh, yeah, I forgot to say, the Check Engine light is on"
> situations that happened on "Car Talk" a few weeks ago?]  Thus if
> $lines is empty, the file is empty.
> --Dan
> --
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