[nycphp-talk] Processing, please wait logic flow question

Bill Kamm wkamm at
Tue Oct 31 10:34:17 EST 2006

Looking at it from the user's perspective, the user enters some URL and 
gets a page back with a form and a submit button. The user fills out the 
form and clicks the submit button. The request comes in to you, and you 
then respond to that request by sending the html I showed earlier. If 
you have variables you want to pass to what I called process.php, one 
possibility is to append them to the url, like this:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">

Depending on how secure your data needs to be, this may or may not be 
acceptable, but it's an option.


cliff wrote:

>How is this triggered? Is this called by the requesting button/form? If so,
>don't you lose the post/get variables?
>On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:10:49 -0500, Bill Kamm wrote
>>I use the following. It's simple, and it works. It displays the 
>>message "Please wait while we process your request", and immediately 
>>redirects to the url that does the actual work. The "processing" 
>>message will remain on the user's browser until your other php 
>>script returns data.
>><meta http-equiv="refresh" 
>><p>Please wait while we process your request...<p />
>>Cliff Hirsch wrote:
>>>Many web sites display a “processing please wait” page after 
>>>submitting an order, request, etc. and then display the final 
>>>confirmation page when it’s available.
>>>I’m confused by how that works. Does the server-side script spit out a 
>>>“processing” page by flushing the output buffer and then redirect when 
>>>the script is completed? Or does the client-side JavaScript display 
>>>the “processing” page while the server script goes about its business?
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