[nycphp-talk] "The Web is broken and it's all your fault."

David Krings ramons at
Thu Sep 14 16:04:49 EDT 2006

At 12:00 PM 9/14/2006, you wrote:
>Could we point to, or even make, an example application that would be
>simple enough to grok in an afternoon of study, but which would
>incorporate the main security concepts that we need to keep drilling
>into newbies?
>Chris Snyder

That would be awesome. I am one of these newbies in regards to security 
(less the SQL injection, I figured that out the hard way) and volunteer to 
let you know if this example works for a newbie. The problem with security 
is that those who break it tend to be smarter than the ones who made it. 

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