[nycphp-talk] Cake v. Symfony [CodeIgniter?]

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Sep 14 22:41:17 EDT 2006

Rick Olson |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>Sorry for this incredibly short answer, but I'm a tad rushed... (  so no 
>reasoning either =(  )
>We use Symfony at my company.  Large scale, high traffic.  It's a bit 
>buggy, a lot bloated, and the slowest thing I've seen in some time.  I 
>don't recommend porting over to it.  Sorry :\  One really big reason for 
>this is their use of ORMs.  If you just avoided Propel or their soon to 
>be Doctrine (maybe?) implementation, Symfony would probably go quite a 
>bit faster.
>Also note that they are still not at 1.0, and their API changes and they 
>aren't even expected to maintain much backward compat. at this point.  
>Adopting it in a critical environment is probably not a good idea, at 
>least not until they hit 1.0 and start making promises about maintaining 
>as much BC as possible, etc..
>On a positive note, their code is incredibly clean, documented, and elegant.
Excellent update. Thanks a ton.

-=john andrews

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