[nycphp-talk] PHP Web Frameworks

Nate Abele nate at
Thu Apr 5 12:22:46 EDT 2007

> Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 07:47:07 -0400
> From: Cliff Hirsch <cliff at>
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP Web Frameworks
> To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
> Message-ID: <C23A59FB.3072%cliff at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="US-ASCII"
> On 4/4/07 9:58 PM, "Nate Abele" <nate at> wrote:
>> The Yahoo! team had to re-architect several parts of the framework to
>> get it to do what they wanted.  Regardless of that, I hear they were
>> having some significant scaling issues.  The Firefox Add-ons portal
>> ( was built on CakePHP, and you can check
>> out the source code here:
>> app/.  To date, the site has handled the arguably higher load without
>> a hitch.
>> - Nate
> Do you have any additional insight into what "scaling issues" means?
> Database overload? Session problems? Bloated "helpers? Their YAML is
> compiled and caching is part of the framework, so I'm curious where  
> the pain
> points are versus say...for example...Cake.
> Cliff

Hi Cliff,

Unfortunately, I wasn't privy to the specifics, but there are several  
other relevant bullet points from which you can draw some inferences:

(1) The developers of Symfony specifically discourage running it  
without a PHP accelerator.  In the PHP world, where limited control  
over deployment is often a reality, an accelerator is not always a  
given.   The fact that they essentially require one says something, I  

(2) Several comparative benchmarks have been published, including  
this one:  As with any benchmark,  
take it with a grain of salt, YMMV, and any other disclaimers or  
preemptive strikes I may have forgotten.  Read it carefully.   
Benchmarks can be affected by a million and one different things, but  
PMJ was very thorough in documenting his methodology.

Btw, the consensus on why the Zend Framework benched so fast is  
because it seems to do nothing for you. :-P

Kidding, kidding...

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