[nycphp-talk] Scaling Web Apps WAS Re: PHP Web Frameworks

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Apr 10 13:38:45 EDT 2007

On 4/9/07, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:

> When PHP apps themselves are written w/ virtualization in mind is
> when it will get very interesting.  Imagine something like:
> function job($queue) {
>    // can I handle all of it?  If not fire up another x instances to
> help me out //
> }

Curious how writing for virtualized/clustered environment like that is
different from writing for threaded environment, which we've pretty
much decided PHP isn't capable of doing.

Is it just about finding places where you can spawn more processes
using shared memory?

Or is it about assuming that multiple local servers will be marshalled
to handle any one request to a front-end controller -- like web
services but without the nasty http lag because all the services are
on the same subnet?

Seems that's how they used to say Google Search worked, where the
request was dispatched in the background to multiple servers, each of
which was responsible for looking in its own slice of the index. All
the responses were aggregated, ordered by pagerank and rendered as a

Chris Snyder

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