[nycphp-talk] PCRE, utf8, Exceptions and you

Mark Armendariz lists at
Mon Apr 16 13:35:34 EDT 2007

> On 4/14/07, Mark Armendariz <lists at> wrote:
> > I suppose I could capture the error with an error handler 
> and try to 
> > figure out if it was the error I'm looking for, but that seems so 
> > messy and potentially unreliable.  Aren't we supposed to be able to 
> > use exceptions for this sort of thing in php5+?
> 5.2 introduced recoverable errors, I believe those can be caught...
> doc is spotty on this though.

I'd just noticed it right after I made the post.  I plan on mixing it in and
I'm glad to see them, though the client server I'm currently working with is
on 5.16 at the moment, so I still have to work around it for now.

> A warning is just a warning, so can't be caught, though it 
> can be supressed.

No doubt.  I try to catch every little error, warning and notice I get and
handle or report it accordingly when possible so I can have a production
server running E_STRICT without a bead of sweat.  Anal to be sure, but it
leaves me warm and fuzzy and makes for happy portability.

> If you haven't already solved this problem, I would suggest a 
> test where you try compiling a very simple preg_match using 
> the unicode codes, suppress any warnings with @, and see if 
> you get the expected result. If you do, proceed with unicode, 
> if not log and fall back to ascii.

No doubt a good suggestion.  I ended up trapping the error with my error
handler class doing a strpos for 'preg_', which is doing the job well.
Here's a couple excerpts (slightly modified so they'll make sense here):
class PregException extends Exception {
    public function __construct($sMessage, $iCode = 0, $sFile, $iLine,
$aContext = null) {
        parent::__construct($sMessage, $iCode);

        $this->file     = $sFile;
	  $this->line     = $iLine;
	  $this->context  = $aContext;

class Error {
    function __construct() {
        set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'eh'));

    function eh($iErrorNumber, $sError, $sFile, $iLine, $aContext) {
        if (strpos($sError, 'preg_') !== false) {
            throw new PregException($sError, $iErrorNumber, $sFile, $iLine,
        } else {
            $this->add($iErrorNumber, $sError, $sFile, $iLine, $aContext);
        return true;

    // other error handler code

// part of my validation class
function checkRegex($mValue) {
    // Unicode Letters, Digits and Spaces
    try {
        $bBadData = preg_match('/[^\p{L}\p{Nd}\p{Zs}]/u', $mValue);
    catch (PregException $e) {
        $bBadData = preg_match('/[^\w\s]/', $mValue);
    if ($bBadData) {
        return false;

    return true;

Thanks for the suggestions!


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