[nycphp-talk] SwiftMailer (alternative to PHPMailer)

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Mon Apr 23 21:10:11 EDT 2007

Hadn't seen this on the list before (sorry if report) but recently  
needed a mailer with Gmail TLS support to interact with Google Apps  
and came across this nice library as an alternative to PHPMailer:

The current list of features includes:

     * Send uses one single connection to the SMTP server or MTA
     * Doesn't rely on mail()
     * Custom Headers
     * Multiple encoding options
     * Unlimited redundant connections (can use mixed types too)
     * Connection rotating/load balancing
     * TLS Support - for Gmail servers
     * Embedded Images or other file types
     * Builds and sends Multipart messages
     * Sends single-part emails as usual
     * Extremely flexible message customization when sending to a  
list (via plugin)
     * Fast Cc and Bcc handling
     * Unicode UTF-8 support, with auto-detection
     * Handles denied recipients in batch mailing whilst still  
delivering to the others
     * Smart runtime caching (in small, self-maintained packets)
     * Send attachments of ANY size even with PHP's 8MB Memory Limit
     * Optional auto-detection of SMTP or Sendmail settings
     * Batch emailing with multiple To's or without
     * Send to hundreds of thousands of addresses without cron
     * Support for multiple attachments
     * Protection against header injection
     * Set message priority
     * Request Read Receipts
     * Sendmail (or other binary) support
     * Pluggable SMTP Authentication (LOGIN, PLAIN, MD5-CRAM, POP  
Before SMTP)
     * Anti-Flooding support (reconnect every X emails) via plugin
     * Throttling support to limit bandwidth/resources used
     * Bandwidth tracking and monitoring via plugin
     * Secure Socket Layer connections (SSL)
     * Loadable plugin support with event handling features

- Jon

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