[nycphp-talk] NYC spot where I can work today?

Brian Dailey support at
Tue Apr 24 11:31:12 EDT 2007


There's a cool little place just west of Washington Square park (just 
north of W 3rd Street, two blocks west of the square, I think) called 
"Tea Spot" that has free wifi and decent drinks. It can occasionally be 
pretty busy, but there are ample power-hookups (there's a basement 
downstairs where you can work in addition to the entrance).

- Brian

Aaron Fischer wrote:
> Hi all,
> Looks like I'll be driving in to the city for the meeting tonight.  I'm 
> planning on coming in early and am looking for a place where I can sit 
> down and get some work done with my laptop.
> Any suggestions, like an internet cafe or something?
> Necessary - being able to plug in to a power outlet
> Optional, but definitely helpful - internet access (preferably free)
> Thanks!
> -Aaron
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- Brian Dailey
Software Developer
New York, NY
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