[nycphp-talk] Webserver file access (and version control)

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Aug 21 14:36:45 EDT 2007

The only thing that pertains to that you are developing a Rails  
application is that you have a "config" folder @ the root level so  
that a "deply.rb" script can be set there. (old method)

In fact the new method is just to have a Capfile in your root +  
describe tasks.  From there you would run your tasks.  The FastCGI  
you can skip, instead you would do something like restart Apache if  
you needed to.

Id say the real PHP equivalent of the entire process would be Phing  
( but w/ deployment recipes.

- Jon

On Aug 21, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> On 8/21/07 12:41 PM, "Rob Marscher" <rmarscher at>  
> wrote:
>> Capistrano is a ruby app the allows automated scripting and parallel
>> updates on multiple servers at the same.  Worth looking into before
>> rolling out your own custom shell scripts.
>> deployment-with-capistrano
> Looks great, but:
> "The assumptions made by the default tasks are more specific, but  
> are either
> configurable or overridable. Some of them are:
>     * You are deploying a web application -- check
>     * You are using Ruby on Rails to develop your application --  
> bit of a
> problem for us php developers
>     * You are using subversion to manage your source code -- check
>     * You are deploying your application to ”/u/apps/#{appname}” on  
> every
> machine -- easy enough
>     * You are using FastCGI to power your application -- ?
>     * You are fronting your app with either lighttpd or apache --  
> check
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