[nycphp-talk] Linux editors

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Mon Aug 27 14:13:37 EDT 2007

I looked into pricing.
To upgrade from my previous copy of Komodo Personal to Komodo 4.1 costs 195.

A full license is 295.

So it's in the range of what I would expect for a decent IDE 
environment.  I'll give their trial a try and see if it meets my needs 
or not.

If it can get me off of windows it will be well worth it(as than my 
requirements for a dev machine drop substantially)

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) wrote:
> Hello,
> I used to use emacs w/php mode, but as I got to be working with more 
> and more files,
> I needed an IDE and I moved to Komodo.
> I love it, never looked back!

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