[nycphp-talk] Why can't I create a second directory?

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Thu Aug 30 14:41:09 EDT 2007

Rolan Yang wrote:
> I lost some hair over the same issue when trying to hack FsckEditor 
> with image upload into a clients website hosted at
> The details are kind of vague, but I remember it having something to 
> do a php SAFE MODE restriction on mkdir and the fact that the web 
> server was running as a different user than that owned by the user.   
> I could create a directory, but not set the attributes for that 
> directory. That prevented creating any futher subdirectories.

Yes, this was the error.  They turned off safe mode and now it is working.

Note: there was a specific note about safe mode causing problems with 
mkdir, but they specified it would also cause the chmod function not to 
work, and that it only occured if the directory owner differs from the 
directory creator.

Since I checked all those first, and chmod would work, I assumed it was 
somewhere else.


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