[nycphp-talk] MySQL table updating

Andy Dirnberger dirn at
Wed Dec 5 17:30:31 EST 2007

> #select the specified database
> $rs = mysql_select_db( "test_db", $conn ) or die( "Err:Db" );
> #create
> $rs = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );
> $query = ("UPDATE tr_test_record
>                   SET    tr_actualdata = '$actualdata', tr_actualresult =
> '$actualresult', tr_testnote = '$testnote'
>                  WHERE  tr_access     = '$access'
>                  AND    tr_testno     = '$testno'
>                  LIMIT  1");

Perhaps I am reading this wrong, but it appears you are calling
mysql_query() using a variable called $sql which never has a value (thus
executing no query at all), and then in the next line of code you are
setting $query equal to your query.

Try doing $rs = mysql_query ($query, $conn); after you assign the string to

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