[nycphp-talk] Do you use Pretty URLs

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Dec 12 13:32:11 EST 2007

> The next big task is making sure that all of the url links are rewritten
properly and that.  That can be fairly difficult if your links aren't very

I see this as a big assumption on the part of many router/controllers. If
you are working in a framework, things will probably work. But all it takes
is one handwritten uri to muck things up. Most of the routers/controllers
I¹ve seen expect or write something like /param1/param2/param3, which
assumes a certain order...and level of knowledge.

It seems to me that a more robust method would be to have something like

Wordier and exposes more about the application. But security by obscurity
doesn¹t get you very far anyway.

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