[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

tedd tedd at
Tue Feb 13 12:05:45 EST 2007

At 7:02 PM -0500 2/12/07, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>Chris Snyder wrote:
>>  Captchas are vulnerable to the porn-in-the-middle attack, but
>>  you would have to have some really hot porn in order to post
>>  large volumes of spam across millions of sites.
>You'd just need enough traffic to teach a tool like PWNtcha, and that's
>only necessary for unique CAPTCHAs. Existing libraries are probably
>already covered.
>Employing a CAPTCHA raises the bar, but there are less annoying ways to
>do that. Can you tell I'm not a fan? :-)
>Before anyone notes my hypocrisy, my blog requires people to indicate my
>first name in order to post a comment, and although I might adopt a
>better approach, at least this approach is accessible.


That reminds me of a protection scheme I cam across that said "Please 
enter the name of this Blog" and I couldn't find it anywhere. Now, 
that was exclusive.

I dislike CAPTCHA's as well, but am trying to come up with some 
alternate solutions, such as:

Granted, they are not prefect -- but they do offer more 
accessibility. The audio solution is currently being evaluated by a 
vision impaired group and I'm waiting approval. If I receive 
approval, then I plan to make the code available for free from my 

I am interested in your opinion.



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