[nycphp-talk] PHP Report Writer?

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Feb 16 11:29:39 EST 2007

Nicholas Hart wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a web-based report writer.  I am imagining something 
> fairly simple that can save report titles, field headings, complex SQL 
> and optionally print to HTML or PDF.  Any thoughts welcome.  Thanks!

Andromeda contains a report writer.  However, the world has changed so 
much in the last 5 years that only one of my clients even knows what a 
report writer is! 

Therefore, it does not have the maturity things get when the've been 
beat up by the merciless masses.

But, there is some strong basic code for generating either HTML or PDF 
versions of things, grouping, totals, etc.  It assumes that it is 
reporting from an Andromeda database, but if you don't want to swallow 
the pill you can just take out the classes and tie off the references.

> Regards,
> Nicholas Hart
> <nhart at>
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