[nycphp-talk] Upcoming Month of PHP Bugs

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Wed Feb 21 19:44:05 EST 2007

I read through the interview.  It was eye opening.  Is there any 
expectation we are going to get patches for these bugs in a timely 
fashion?  Doesn't seem like it.  Kind of frustrating to sit here and 
just wait. Do the Suhosin PHP patches cover all the bugs that are going 
to be released?  Doesn't seem like it.  If I am wrong, and I very well 
could be, please chime in and correct me.

So the question is, what is the community's response to this issue?  Are 
we as powerless as it seems?  I am still wondering what my next steps 
are going to be? I know I am responsible for a couple of handfuls of 
servers, and I would like to know which way to go. The other question, 
is this any different then any other day that a list of bugs is released? 

I wish I had some answers, but I don't.  Maybe some constructive 
conversation on  solutions rather then the personalities involved might 
be helpful.  If no one has any answers, tell me to bugger off.

Hans K

Cyber X Designs is a New Jersey web development company.

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