[nycphp-talk] auto generate select tag in html

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Tue Feb 27 16:06:24 EST 2007

You can write a simple function yourself or use this:


On 2/27/07 3:59 PM, "selyah" <selyah1 at> wrote:

> Hello all:
> i am designing a form in php and it combines HTML, I have not program in HTML
> in a while and need a refresher, but i am hoping that someone can help me with
> this simple issue.
> I just need to know the syntax to get the <select></select> tag in HTML to
> auto generate a list when new <option></option>'s are created.
> in other words as the options get created from a form in php, another form
> where the select tag is located will have the new items.
> thanks in advance

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