[nycphp-talk] [OT] "Appropriate use of list" - link broken

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Wed Jan 31 16:52:32 EST 2007

Thanks for the thoughtful intro Rob, welcome to the list.


On Jan 31, 2007, at 4:47 PM, Rob Wilkens wrote:

> Hi .
> I'm new here (though I recognize one or two familiar names from
> another list i'm on - LIPHP) --
> A little about me as long as i'm writing (relating to PHP):  I learned
> PHP because I was home sick from work (for 5 years and counting) and
> when Tom Melendez started the LIPHP group on Long Island, after seeing
> repeated announcements for his group on another server i'm subscribed
> to (LILUG), I finally decided to see what it was about and was excited
> to see the language was just like C in many ways, except it was being
> used for the web (primarily).  C was a language I liked because when I
> graduated in 1996 I had taken a few classes in C(including one on
> Linux Kernel Hacking, which landed me a job doing UNIX kernel hacking
> for a few years).  Anyway, I've put it off for a long time, and
> finally decided to formalize my knowledge of PHP

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